Letters for August 18, 2022 - The Macon County News

2022-08-20 23:45:08 By : Mr. Joseph Wang

The Macon County News letters page is a public forum open to a wide variety of opinions as a right guaranteed in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Letters are neither accepted nor rejected based on content. Letters must be signed and contact information provided. Views expressed are not necessarily reflective of the opinions of publisher, editor or staff. Writers are asked to refrain from personal attacks against individuals or businesses. 

Victim of house fire grateful for comumunity support

Losing my home was an experience I hope none of you ever have to endure and I thank God that I am here. I also hope that if you have such a tragedy that everyone will be as good to you as all of you have been to me.

As all the donations poured in, I kept a record of each one with intentions of sending “thank you” notes to each person who donated, but it soon became apparent that it was just too overwhelming.

There were a lot of anonymous donations.  I didn’t want to leave anyone out or hurt anyone’s feelings.

I don’t even know where to begin.  Thank you doesn’t seem to be sincere enough to cover the overwhelming love and caring that has been shown to me.

If you donated clothing, food, automobile, jewelry, made BBQ, bought BBQ, sent gift cards, made monetary donations, or just hugged my neck and cried with me, just know it meant the world to me.

A big shout out to Highlands Fire Dept., Scaly Fire Dept., and Cullasaja Fire Dept. for being there when I needed you and for diligently searching for my sweet Lucy and giving her a resting place.

Thank all of you so very much.   You are forever in my heart and I love you all.

Mary Lee Simmons – Highlands, N.C.

Republican party has shattered public confidence

There was an ancient adage spoken frequently during my youth and promoted throughout my Navy career, asserting  ­ “It’s amazing how much you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit.”  It has occurred to me in recent years how far our nation has deviated, how far we have strayed, from that antiquated axiom.

Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), following Barack Obama’s election to the presidency in 2008, stated (and not in a roundabout way) that his aim in life was to make Obama a one-term president.  That is the undisguised antithesis of proper governing but the GOP seems to have embraced brazen obstruction practices as the foundation of party doctrine.

Unwilling or unable to govern, the Republican Party clings precariously to power through chaos, dysfunction and building barriers, willingly surrendering their honor, sacrificing democracy and relinquishing our nation’s global standing and reputation in the process.

Senator McConnell has also gained the dubious distinction of bestowing on the Republican party control of the Supreme Court, that branch of government which, since its creation by authority of the Judiciary Act of September 24, 1789 and its organization on February 2, 1790, was intended to be, and most Americans presume to be, above politics.

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1981), in a lecture on “Public Trust as a Dimension of Equal Justice” stated, “We all rely on public confidence and trust to give the courts’ decisions their force.”  The Republican Party has shattered that trust.

As the House January 6 Committee continues to reveal alarming details on former President Trump’s coup attempt, a new analysis provided to Common Dreams by the watchdog organization Accountable.US, shows that corporate trade groups and Fortune 500 companies donated more than $819,000 to Republican members of Congress who voted against certifying the 2020 election results.  Accountable.US has been tracking corporate contributions to the so-called “Sedition Caucus” (a group of 147 Republican lawmakers who voted to overturn the 2020 election results).

Accountable.US also unveiled that since January 6, 2021, corporate trade organizations and the political action committees of top individual companies have donated a total of $21.5 million to Sedition Caucus members including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

An updated donation tracker by Accountable.US discloses that the National Beer Wholesalers Association PAC, the American Bankers Association PAC, Home Depot’s PAC, the National Automobile Dealers Association PAC and Boeing’s PAC have been the top contributors to seditious Republicans since the January 6th attack.

Not that it matters to Trump loyalists or the Republican base but patriotic, thinking Americans (especially veterans who remember and value what the oath we took, the uniform we wore, and truth stand for) want to see businesses detached from corrupted politicians and more engaged in the defense of democracy and the redeeming of our national integrity.  

  David Snell – Franklin, N.C.

Tyranny on the horizon in rural America

In response to the continual letters wrongly depicting January 6, many people wonder why the Left is still foaming at the mouth and not concerned with voter fraud?  The answer lies in that the Socialist Left does not care about the 1st Amendment or rule of law and instead desires to punish anyone who disagrees with them by demonizing and censoring them.   The Left (perhaps sometimes unwittingly since many of them simply lack knowledge of the bigger picture of American ideals) wants one set of arbitrary rules for themselves and a different set of rules for everyone else.

The goat rodeo of the January 6 hearings has been nothing short of mere grandstanding and distracting from the real issue of voter fraud in the 2020 election.  While many of us in the conservative/libertarian camps are not huge fans of Donald Trump for reasons other than why the Left hates him, the vast majority of real Americans strongly support election integrity.  It was to uphold election integrity that January 6 even took place.  No intelligent person actually believes the unarmed protesters on January 6 were trying to overthrow the government and stage a coup like the CIA and other global elites did in Ukraine in 2014 when they overthrew a democratically elected government that was pro-Russian….

The patriots (many of whom have been illegally held without due process) were in Washington DC on January 6 to protest the very obvious corruption of the 2020 election.  Wasn’t it 2016 that the Left was screaming about “election integrity” and “Russian collusion” that proved to be false?  Why did they care about the sanctity of elections then, but not in 2020?  The answer lies in that they are continually deceived by anti-American indoctrination that spews from a lunatic agenda.  For a lie to be accepted, it only has to be repeated over and over as the Left has done by destroying genuine truth and so many of America’s foundational principles.  If things had been the other way around in 2020 and it was the Democrat that had been screwed, the Left would be rioting, burning, and murdering in the streets with no accountability whatsoever the same way they did in the summer of 2020.

Below are just a few of the many, many unanswered questions lingering from the 2020 election, which will never be addressed because the Left does not want to know truth; they instead revert back to barbarian human nature and crave absolute power at all costs just like the Nazis and Communists. They live life on superficial emotion instead of objective facts.   Full disclaimer to the Bob Scotts and David Snells of the world – I do not have a patent on these burning questions since countless millions of other Americans want answers.

1. Why did vote counting delays and mysterious boxes of ballots suddenly appear only in swing states?

2. Why were election observers barred from access only in swing states?

3. Why are any voting machines connected to the internet for any reason?

4. Why did an independent audit expert find that 74k more votes were counted in Maricopa County, Arizona than were actually mailed out?

5. Why did hundreds of election staffers from swing states sign sworn affidavits under the penalty of perjury stating that they witnessed massive voter fraud and illegal tampering?

6. Why did a circuit court judge in Wisconsin rule that the Wisconsin Election Commission had run the 2020 election in an illegal manner?

7. Why have voting machine companies refused to comply with subpoenas from state officials in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin?

8. Why are more than 300k ballot transfer forms missing in Georgia’s 2020 election?

9. Why was there widespread destruction of election records … again, only in swing states?

10. Why is a federal judge in Georgia refusing to release a report by a cybersecurity expert who found electronic voting machines are vulnerable to hacking and manipulation of data?

11. Why would votes from 30 states be processed by a foreign firm and need to be sent overseas for “processing” and “tabulation” purposes?

12. Why are so many of the electronic voting machine companies owned by shell companies from foreign countries?

These are not conspiracy theories; these are genuine questions that are ignored by the Marxist Left and the smug, self righteous liars in mainstream media because they care nothing for rule of law.  If they continue to destroy America, it will certainly lead to violence brought about by their destruction of the Constitution.  Fortunately, the tyranny has not fully reached rural America yet, but it is on the horizon.  If good men do nothing, it will certainly come to our doorstep exactly as the COVID charade and destruction of the economy/individual freedom did recently.  A nation of sheep will be ruled by pigs.  Now is the time for each lover of freedom to re-examine what it means to proclaim truth, uphold justice, and defend righteousness while opposing federal over reach. A proper understanding of the 10th Amendment and civil disobedience is extremely important.  May we freedom lovers in WNC unite to keep our region apart from the complete nonsense of what is happening in Socialist Democrat controlled States because people in blue States are fleeing in droves to better pastures of red States that have prospered from low taxes, limited government, free markets, and plain ol’ common sense.

For further reading, please visit www.mises.org and www.lewrockwell.com where you can gain understanding of the real state of affairs in America as we have seen injustice, systemic corruption, and immorality accelerate in just the last 30 years of intense criminal activity in Washington DC.  It was John Adams who said, “Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”  Never, ever give up your guns.  

  Jim Gaston – Franklin, N.C.

The call of good within a world of evil

Within the quiet of early morning’s light, looking out at the valley and mountains before me, watching the misty fog rising from deep within the forest floor and rising slowly while drifting to unknown places, brings to each of us something deep that speaks to us personally. The clear, starry nights brings the mind and soul of wondering what lies beyond this earth which seems to hold us captive.  

The laws that hold all things together and the wonder and awe that we experience in intricate workings of blending the complexity of what we see hear and experience, shows within itself that this is not a mistake or a haphazard random design. Science now more than ever confirms this, yet speaks of this softly, because there’s nothing outside of man that we give credit to.  There’s something behind what we experience and see. Life takes on a new meaning when we realize we are not alone and there’s something we need beyond what man offers or thinks he can invent. Yet many seek to ignore the obvious, even when it’s in front of each of us. 

If our world shows us anything it shows man has failed miserably in satisfying the deepest understanding of life. Yet humanity will do anything trying but never satisfying the thirst of getting what it wants. This shows itself daily. It seems leadership is always in question of selfish and corrupt motives. But if viewed in honesty we ourselves are a reflection of what we’ve allowed leadership to be. All humanity wants the best of what life offers, but the best is often the worst of what we have become. We all want peace, but it’s an outward peace in hopes of bringing internal peace; we want justice for ourselves, yet we ourselves are not just. We slander, judge, and hate, we never forgive or seek unity because we want what “we want.” We seek lasting loving relationships but only if we get what we want. 

Life is a reflection of the two universal powers that we all must realize and face. It’s not hard to see the forces of evil that are all around us. You are in total darkness if you don’t see this.  Humanity cries for unity, direction of purpose, the understanding of self within the confused world we live. We live in evil yet, as in all of us there’s always a Hope of something better, a good that can been seen and realized, a final destiny that we each can call our own. You may be blinded of the realities of life, but there’s a choice in what we want, the Divine calling for each of us to find what we seek in a pure love, justice, truth, and unity with us allowing God being the center of each of us, or the selfish easy destructive road of evil. These differences are night and day. Looking within a misty mountain or a star lit night, you’re hearing the call of good within the world of evil, where do you choose to live?  Re-thinking life,

  Deni Shepard –  nds13@frontier.com

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