Concord school system prepares for referendum

2021-11-25 08:23:05 By : Mr. Andy Xie

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Elkhart, Indiana-Now is the time for Concord Community Schools to gather the community in an effort to pass a new referendum.

With the final arrival of the referendum, the superintendent said that student education is the number one priority.

“From 2014 to 2019, we ranked 19th for academic growth. As a result, money went to the classroom,” said director Dan Funston.

The last referendum was approved in 2014, but it will expire in December this year. 

Now the region hopes that people living in the region can approve the new referendum.

The biggest difference in the new referendum is that the asking price of property tax has been reduced by 20%, which means that property tax owners will pay less.

The asking price is 0.32 cents per $100 of property value. 

The price of the last referendum was a little more than 0.40 cents per 100 dollars.

"The referendum accounts for about 10% of our operating and education fund budget, so if the budget loses 10%, it will be quite serious for the school district and the projects we can provide for students," Funston said. .

Although the school hopes to invest more in technology and architecture, they also believe that there is another factor related to the current state of the school system.

"If we don't have such a course during COVID, we also want to continue the one-on-one courses you know, so we hope to continue to fund our students," Finston said.

The Concord community stated that they have created a way for everyone to let them know how much they will pay for each property they own, which will enable community members to know how the passage of the referendum will affect them.

The website is: